Temple of Maiar
Maiarwho is ittexts


Uncountable spirits, who have many tasks

Tolkien describes Maiar as the gods of lesser status than Valar, and they are strictly connected with some of them and serve them. However such strich hierarchy doesn’t work even in Middlearth, where we can learn about Bombardil for example. Bombardil was the first, obviously one of the Maiar, but also seemingly he is no one’s servant, he is his own lord.

These spirits are very various, free spirits, as free as the Valar themselves, maybe with smaller power, but I think, that some of them can with their power do the same as the Valar. No matter it is in fact impossible to sort these spirits for their variety. We can still sort some groups to make an image about them. I’ll sort them due to how much they work with the Valar.

Semi Valar – It can happen that you meet such Maia, but you can never find out. Vallar are not of infinite power and so every one of them has smaller or bigger group of spirits, which poses almost the same power as their Vala and are allowed to have his shape and name. However they are responsible to their Vala for all their actions which they do in his shape and name.

Working with one Vala - These Maiar, which keeps working with the Valar, they stay with their Vala, helps him with his work and create with him, adding their own ideas and so creating together.

Working with more Valar – Some of Maiar when want to create, “invite” to their work more than one Valar. (or their allied Maiar) In their work energies of more Valar or their Maiar are mixed, Their ideas do not necessary fits into energy or way of any Vala, but they have to be in harmony with all energies they use.

Symphatisants – Maiar, who works with the Valar only a little, if at all. However they are united with the Valar by fondness and friendship. Love leads them to honor the Valar and they may communicate with them, but not even Vallar may know a lot about their creation, if these spirits do not want to share their work.

Independent – These are Maiar, about who even Valar often know nothing. They live independent, they create independent, they honor the Valar and they see themselves as part of this pantheon, but there their interest in the Valar ends. However they honor laws and customs held by the Valar and their hearts still resonate with the Valar, no matter they may have no interest in them.

It is necessary to keep in mind, that even the Maiar are living beings and their interest may change in time, then it also changes who do they work with. Maybe it feels bit confusing to explain that Maiar can invite Valar to join them in their creating, but that is how it is. There is no need for hierarchy, all of them are family and there is love among them. Even Valar are sometime fascinated by creating of some Maia and desire to add some of their creative energy to it. Then they allow the creative Maia to lead them and let him to give them orders to create his creation as he wishes and to lead their hands as his own. Of course the Maiar also allow the Valar to lead them, when aiding them with their work.

It is necessary to know, that even when we feel connected to the Valar and Maiar, we and them are not only powers at this planet. There are many other gods and spirits. For example many spirits not belonging to this pantheon care about nature and ensure its survival; they seek mates for animals and attracts them to get together, from the big animals to the smallest insects, they help the trees grow, they sing to the sky to summon the rain and many other works to preserve life. Of course there are gods of other pantheons (families), they can be friendly to us, but they can also disagree a lot with what you do.

No matter where the beings belong, I believe that we should at least honor them as they are. Many of them have their place in this world and they do a lot at least for the people, who belong to their family.

Maiar are very varied, they can belong to one element, but also to more, they can be bound to region, they take care about, or they can be travelers. It can even happen that the Maia has no task at all and rests, before he decides for something, which he will work at. Meantime Maia can travel and examine and seek, what will appear as worthy of his attention.

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