Temple of Valar pantheon

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Welcome in the temple of the Valar. You’re welcome here, if you seek their presence, information, or if you just happened to go around. The heart of this place is magic and freedom, every element has its own mind, every plant and animal has its own voice.

Fifteen Valar built this temple together to allow anyone, who seeks them, to find not just information about who they are, but also be able to get to know, who they are, get familiar with their presence and even possibly to built a friendship. Valar are children of Eru, the father of all, and they are called the creators of worlds. Their homeland is Valinor, which is located on the west of the world. Physically it is unreachable and yet everyone can get to know it not just by looking west, because it became hidden and so it started to exist on many places at once. It is reachable as are its inhabitants.

Valar are powers of Arda, their hearts and the heart of the world are one. They take care of the world and wish to teach and enjoy the world. In everyone else they see the same as they are, Eru’s children. And because the children of Eru are children of god, they know… we know, that from such children gods can rise.

The way of every one of us is unique, but we have a lot in common. Everyone seeking friendship of the Valar will probably find one, who will attract him the most. Such effect isn’t one-sided and definitely it is very good and useful, if it connects us with power with energy most close to ourselves, or the same if it is temporally friendship for personal growing.

Due to Silmarillion we have, after the end of the world, participate in the second great music of creation, all equals. We can work on that already, even now we are all equal and we grow together in wistom and strength. We are all co-creators of reality already.

The land is blessed by those, who ihabbit it. --Eonwe (maybe?)

No matter which mind gave this thought to Tolkien I bow before its wisdom. In Forrest, at the sea shore we feel so good really, because those, who live there and create beauty of that place: flowers, animals, various spirits and people, they all are power which bless and helps. When people doesn’t want to live in harmony with surroundings, if they prefer to destroy, are jealous and hurt, then they curse and damage. And that creates the feeling we have from place. Personally I can add that we feel the best among those, who have same way of thinking and belong to the same family. (including the gods)

transmitted through medium, speaking: Manwe, 9/6/2016

Listen to our voices and consider in your heart, what we tell you. There is a gate in your mind. It is big, strong and in many of you closed with lock. That is the gat of the true world, which you possibly do not even know about. It is world where anything is possible, where is no difference between you and us and yet each of us is unique. The world, where you can sense energies, where the might and power lies, which you can no longer feel, but it is still possible for you. You’re free beings and it is you, who holds manacle at your neck.

Put them aside. It isn’t easy, the way is long and difficult, but worth it. Whoever takes it, will find out not just that we do exist, but also can get to know us and will learn from us and others. You will find out that everything is connected and our world is not alone and yet all worlds are parts of one living world. You’ll learn that the life is the most valuable thing possible and this world is in fact full of magic and is the best possible, it is here where, being fully ourselves, you’re the most free, there is no better place, there is nowhere to escape, it is here, where we have the greatest opportunity to fulfill our dreams. Do not wait for any paradise, that will teach you only to wait. Do not fight for the gods, that will teach you only to fight. Learn the true knowledge and art, how to fulfill your dreams, how to live happy life and how to reach self-realization, because that is the true reason and meaning of life.

We speak to you, we call you, we love you for what you are and you deserve love. Are you ready to take your life to your own hands? Only then it will be truly yours, none else is living your life and that’s why it belongs to no one else. There is no need for wars, there is need for love and agreement, then we all can live here better. It is time for humans and gods to realize hat. We Valar call to you, humans and gods, our brothers and sisters in all layers of the Earth, where is turmoil. It is time, right now, when you can do something with yourself and your situation. The highest one loves you all and puts no one above others, nor putting anyone under others and feels hate towards no one. That is real truth. We are nothing more than anyone of you, no god is more than any other being. Only difference is our responsibility for those, we accepted to take care of and for our acts. We all must respond for our actions.

That is the message I send to you, although I know that only few will accept it, as you’re not ready yet to put down your manacles. But you know that there is the way and it is possible NOW for you to be better. GO in peace and carry my blessing, blessing of us all.

calendar of Sosaria elves, source: www.elvenorder.com

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