Dictionary of terms used on this web

For those with no knowledge of Tolkien’s work it is good to explain meaning of some words and some of them need explaining for everyone. Some of meanings of Tolkiens words are altered, fully purposely.

t - terms created by Tolkien
m - terms created by Morell

Ainur – (t) Singular: Ainu, the voices, name for spirits, beings not living in physical body, the dead ones, nature spirits, the gods, and other spirits as well, including those with physical body

Valar – (t) Singular: Vala, gods and goddesses, fifteen gods and goddesses, very powerful spirits ruling and influencing various aspects of the world. The kings and queens among spirits of their spiritual family, the spirits with authority. Despite their authority they differ no more from the other Maiar. Valar are Maiar with title of ruler, they are also the most powerful among them. Vala can be translated as (godly) power or “to rule”.

Maiar – (t) Singular: Maia, gods and goddesses, with various mount of power, smaller or greater. They control various aspects of the world, each by own nature. Maia can be translated as excellent, admirable

Spiritual family – (m) term including gods of one pantheon and all souls, incarnated and not, which belong together with this god or gods. (the closest term is believer) Can include many gods, spirits, humans, which belong together as family – they communicate together, they have some unifying features or customs, they protect and support each other, humans protecting and supporting gods and gods protecting and supporting their people

Valinor – (t) continent, which by Tolkiens legendarium lies on the west. After the destruction of their first homeland (by the failing of the two lamps, which were enlightening the world) valar moved west and built there their realm Valinor, also called Amán, the Undying lands and by other names

Middlearth – (t) continent, mythological face of Europe in times long past. It lies the east from the Valinor, separated by the Sundering seas

Pantheon – group of gods is called so. Pantheon of valar consist fifteen gods and goddesses and some spirits and maiar claim to be with them

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