Creating the hall of flame imperishable

In every village of elves and even other free nations, belonging to the family of the valar, you can find a room, which they call the hall of flame imperishable. A fire is being kept here as memory of the eternal flame, which is in heart of Eru. It is place, where borders of our and spiritual world are breaking, as this place belongs to both. Many love to come here to think, as here there is silence full of consciousness, there never comes time, where there are no spirits around, it is also place where great rituals of many beings take place, as well as small private rituals.

The hall of flame imperishable is place, where it is easy to contact spirits, as well as dead ones and the gods. Valar and maiar love presence of open fire and like to approach it. Meetings with Valar or any other spirits can last much longer and are more intensive as the fire is source of energy and communication among spirits of our two worlds requires energy. Whoever wants, cis allowed to enter, lit a candle and do a prayer, wish, ask, or thanks to any of the valar.

Eternal flame itself can be flame of candle as well as campfire. If it is fire kept burning constantly, than it is never big fireplace, or even pile, as it consumes a lot of fuel. Small fire is enough and in addition, big fire would overfilled with energy anyone, who would approach it. So it is good to have big fire only when many people are present as for them small fire is not enough. But for fire meant to burn endlessly small fire is much better. Also when it comes to safety. It is still fire so if there is a fire, there must be fire-extinguisher nearby. Keep security measures of working with fire, to ensure that this mystic place will not become place and source of disaster.

Because valar are goodhearted, no one is prohibited of approaching the eternal flame. However this changes during rituals. If we speak about ritual celebrations, or begging for non-personal things, for some blessings for example, it is possible to allow nit participating persons, observers, visitors. But if it is about personal things, that the ritual is matter of privacy and no one else should be present as in these cases ritual is intimal thing. But in the end allowing or disallowing others to join is in hands of those, who participate on the ritual, both physical and not. However if someone doing the ritual, or the one participating on it desires that no one else should be present, than it is better to honor that wish.

Creating the hall of flame imperishable is ritual, in which the place is blessed for meeting of spirits and gods with incarnated beings of Arda. If it is not possible to create room for this purpose, it is enough to bless candlestick. Then if a candle is lit in it, it is echo for the spiritual world, that the hall of flame imperishable was opened. In that case it is about agreement.

Way of doing the ritual is not bound and is it possible to adapt it to your conditions. But I do recommend only believers of the same path to participate.

Rituals usually consist of spiritual cleaning of place, blessing and lighting fire blessed by the valar, there should be present at least one of them, and Eru. Then even wish can be said, to keep the hall always opened for communication of both worlds.

Mages believe that fire is the oldest of four elements. Older is only the fifth one, which is fully spiritual and yet it is core of everything, including four elements. Rituals done close to open fire has great power, for the fire is source of energy for both human and spiritual world and ritual fires should be honored as holy.

There, where fires endlessly dance
Where the music of ainur echoes,
There the worlds meet, yours and mine
There is the place of their touch.
Come to me, my heart is open
May we share love and friendship,
On this place, belonging to both worlds,
Here blazes the eternal flame, always shining,
May it brings the good to anyone, who’s coming.

Mandala věčného ohně

Mandala created as coaster under candle with eternal flame.

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