The fairest race

Author: Zlu and Luff

One day there was a great feast, that the Valar held in the center of the world for both the lesser races and the Ainur alike. All were welcome there. Even Melkor's northern fastness had been visited by an eagle of Manwë, that had brought an invitation for the Vala, his Maiar and his orcs.

The feast was so vast it could not possibly be held indoors, and thus tables were set under the sun in the beautiful gardens of the Valar.

When Melkor and his Maiar arrived, bringing the orcs with them, the Eldar, Naugrim and Edain were equally appalled, for in the features of the Children of Melkor they saw their common foes from the past. And they stayed away from the orcs, watching them warily even as the feast began. Yet as time passed they saw that despite their brutish and unattractive looks, they acted quite civil, if odd to the eyes of the Children of Eru. Still, old grudges were not easily forgotten and while some cast curious glances towards the orcs, none yet wished to approach them, while the Children of Melkor despite their curiosity about the other races of Arda were quite content among themselves. So the feast lasted in peace.

The Valar sat gathered around a large table on a hill from which they could observe the lesser races, and among them sat Melkor and Mairon, who was the only Maia at the table of the Valar. For Melkor refused to sit with his kin, if they did not also invite Mairon to sit with them. Thus, not wanting to reawaken old animosities, Manwë offered Mairon a place at their table to appease his brother.

The King of the Valar observed for a long while the Children of Melkor, who sat apart from the other peoples of Arda, yet made no quarrel with them. And then he turned to his brother and asked "Tell me Melkor, why did you make the orcs as ugly as they used to be, when you could have made them anew?"

Melkor turned to Manwë with surprise, fiery brows raised in a questioning arch. "I do not get thy meaning, brother. What meanst thou by "ugly"? They are quite fair to my eyes."

Many of the Valar regarded Melkor with the greatest bewilderment. But what he said afterwords was what truly shocked them.

"At least they surely look fairer to me than the hideous Eldar," Melkor said light-heartedly and shrugged.

"I beg your pardon..." Varda said in a chilly tone, freezing with a cup of wine half-raised. If looks could as much as hurt, Melkor would have been pulverized.

"Truly Melkor, your jokes are getting better and better," Tulkas laughed and slapped the fiery Vala on the back with the strength of an avalanche.

"But I spoke seriously," Melkor croaked, wincing, when he recovered from the friendly pat on the back.

"Melkor, you are once more completely alone in your delusions. Everyone knows that the Eldar are the fairest race of all," Varda said coldly, glaring murder at her brother-in-law.

"Well, that is simply absurd," Yavanna said, discarding Varda's words with a gesture. "Everyone knows that Ents are the fairest race!"

"My love, I dare disagree..." Aulë started delicately.

"I'd say, the eagles if any single race were..."

"Hobbits," offered a helpful voice from the table where the Maiar sat.

"All races are most beautiful in death," Mandos spoke solemnly, making all the other Valar fall silent and the argument come to a rapid end.

Sitting among the mighty Valar, Mairon just hid his face in his palm.

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