How to sing the music of the Valar

Author: Time-moose

(Or the music of the ainur, if you wish) This is fragment of story There is fire in the darkness, which is focusing at Sauron and his redemption with help of Bilbo the hobbit. This fragment contains one of possible ways of learning, how to sing the music of the Valar and indeed, even you can learn and experience it. Although the story may be bit cofusing, it is here without any changes.

It was late afternoon. Sauron was a bit exhausted, due to putting up a powerful detection barrier around the valley. Bilbo was in the open corridor, as always, watching the sun set.

......Sauron......Well....He did treat me kindly before I knew......The food is amazing...My room is kept warm...The scenery is beautiful...I have plenty of pipeweed....And the sex was incredible while it lasted...

The hobbit sighed.

"I have everything a hobbit could wish for....So why not indulge myself?....I can't even bring myself to though..."

Just then, Bilbo heard a soft, elegant, lovely sound. Almost as if starlight was singing. Off in the distance, he could see trees and flowers growing with tremendous speed. Vines were crawling up the stone temple walls. A gush of wind greeted Bilbo. He's never seen anything so breathtakingly romantic.

But where was that sound coming from? It almost seemed in his head.

Perhaps this is Sauron's doing? Where is he anyway?

Bilbo went down to the second floor, making a right to a hallway with two doors. He check the one on his left, which was a well-furnished room.

Empty. Hmm...

He looked to the door on the right. It was open by a crack.

Found you.

The halfling could hear splashing sounds from within. The music in his head only soothed him further. His curiosity had no trouble taking over as he quietly approached the door and peeked through.

Bilbo was completely awe stricken. If there was ever such a thing for someone to die from observing pure beauty, this would be one of them.

I was bathing, but that wasn't the important part. I was attempting to strengthen my previous powers of the music of the Valar. Of course, I was not verbally singing. That is not how the language works. It is the silent music created by Divine light.

All around me that light shone, the color of which was lavender. I was standing. Steaming water from the tub was magically being levitated up in two, slightly contorted, thin streams above me. My long, dark hair clung to my skin. Hot water was streaming down my body. The light was making the water shine as well, having my skin appear as if it was glowing.

My eyes were closed. The warmth felt amazing. And knowing that Bilbo was fascinated at the moment only brought a slight flush to my cheeks.

But I needed to focus. Focus on being one with the light to keep the music going. Any singular thoughts would forc-

-been given a task....I must save him...

Too late. The lavender light vanished and the music stopped abruptly. The water around me dropped back into the tub. I opened my eyes and sighed. Not even love must get in the way when attempting the music of the Valar.

Outside, Bilbo stepped away from the door.

...What was all of that?!....What gave me that conclusion anyhow?!....Oh, dear. Why is my heart racing?!...

The hobbit ran downstairs in the hopes of clearing his mind with a good book.

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