The basic wheel of values

Author: Medy

I was invited on my spiritual way in year 1985 and after small test I accepted The basic wheel of values system. Later I understood that it is casual system of motivation of every subject, the person and the group, either small or big. The basic wheel of values helped me to understand the acting of humans, it just doesn’t deal with relationships, but they can be realized in any part of the circle. I work on relationships So In the beginning I accepted this Unique system:

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In the beginning I choose two axis, physical (reality) and spiritual (consciousness) and I was looking for some significant opposite values: for the consciousness axis I choose personality and everything, which has something to do with the subject itself, to be specific behavior, memory, abilities and desires. On the opposite side of consciousness is knowledge, everything we can have in common as tutorials, knowledge, standards, and algorithms. On the reality axis on one side there are resources, possibilities for everyone, on the other side results of acting, usually property, reward.

Then I was seeking for something common for personality and abilities, so I used skills, their use, effort, work. On the other side between knowledge and property I placed function, realization of goal, active work. Because this all is conditioned socially the most, I called this axis social. Between possibilities and knowledge I placed program. On the contrary between property, reward and personality I placed consumption, experiences, life style. These values we solve without influence of surroundings, so the axis of privacy. In so created system I found much causality.

Mainly I realized that the higher motivation of any subject is strengthening and usage of our own abilities and experiencing of pleasuring emotions and satisfaction fitting to own mind about the life style. The reward is nice, but loose is far stronger.

In the bottom of the picture there are two circles with arrows and texts gives and accepts. Active way around the circle begins with desire to use own abilities. In next step we recognize and solve our possibilities. Then we choose our program, for long time is better. For its realization we need information, which can be called know-how. Follows the realization now called function. It is surely socially influenced. The result of our acting is specific value, which can be exchanged for money or leave as personal property. That all with desire to fulfill own social and cultural needs, which we then realize in consumption. That closes the circle, brings the empowering of personality as personal experience, evolving of abilities and knowledge of situation, which we will use in next way around the circle. Surely we do not solve the marts of well this way, one after other, more like by actual situation.

The way around the circle in opposite direction is also possible and is used by many, it is way of retreat and lose. On this way we are not motivated by self-realization but fulfilling our needs, often by need to solve financial situation and social needs. To fulfill our needs we seek sources, money, which forces us to activity, often even in price of breaking laws or agreements, then we must seek the way to get through it. Then we are solving program, which is and isn’t possible and we reach our personal abilities. This opposite way is way of being forced, when we react on influences and pressures of surroundings. When we’re forced to go further, then we pay by devastating our personality, which can even lead to violence, resignation or deprivation.

Every expression of person or a group, subject, can be reflected in this circle and next step can be prophesied. The circle is not solving relationships.

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