Communication with Valar - meditations

Building the friendship with the Valar can be amazing experience. On the other hand it can also be difficult, even unreachable or uncontrollable. I cannot give here universal way, which would work for everyone, but I’ll do my best to help you get more familiar with their world. It is both the world of spirits and fantasy. Imagination is in fact part of reality, any mage cannot work without it, nor architect, artist, or many other.

Direct communication between them and humans is not necessary at all, but even that can be taught. All I write here, requires a lot. You have to learn to trust your emotions and imagination, to have in yourself aspect of baby, which have no artificial barriers of adults, there are really to be avoided.

Do you believe that the Valar exist? In fact, I do not like the word “believe”, when it comes to existence, because no matter if you do not believe that something exist, really doesn’t mean that it is not existing! I speak here about the Valar, but I’ve already met angels, demons, beings of evil magic, not incarnated humans, vampires, gods (namely Melkor and Shiva), and other beings, for example Legolas, Thranduil, Sauron, Illidan, Garral the invoker, ex-angel Kul, elves, dragons, extraterrestrials… All those exist and there is far more of beings, than our imagination can cover. That is how it is, no matter if you believe that or not.

If you admit that the Valar exist, what more do you need? Almost nothing and yet there can be a lot of it.

We can create rituals for them, chose special time and dedicate it to them, or we can just speak to them in mind. All these work. Once you do something and associate it with them, you send your thoughts to them and they will know about it and understand, because it is natural for spirits to use telepathy, even though they can speak with our style with words.

Do not trust in all-knowing of the Valar, they do not have it, no one have! Speak with them about what is changing, what you need to change in your relationship with them and theirs with you. They can adjust to you, but who knows nothing, cannot do anything, right?

I summoned Manwe and showed in my mind, what is going to be written next and send it to him.
Me: Is it acceptable?
Manwe: Yes.
(Somehow I realized that he has no need to influence my work)
Me: Wait, you’re letting me to work totally alone?
Manwe: (Smiles.) Yes. We gave you the key, it is up to you to decide, what system you’re going to build.

Later I realized, that it is how it should be. Systems and rituals are meaningless for the Valar and for good gods in general. Humans create them and the gods adapt to them, because they understand. But these systems are here for us, not for them. They are here for us, so we can more easily map our way, which we take in our spiritual growing. They are helping us on the way, which our heart leads us.

Once the ritual is accepted by spirits, it becomes cooperation of spirits and humans, the dance of both worlds. Humans perform it and can even give the gods a role, which they then have to do during this holy time. For the gods it is a game, when we play together and create the world, dance of energies, when between our worlds is harmony and one of the gates of communication is open wide. Love and contact.

Because I have good experiences with this system, I choose to use similar form, the pack of meditations, which will help you to channel each Vala. Do not expect immediate effect. When you buy new radio, you have to channel it for a while before you can find a station, which you like to listen to and it is similar with our spirit. Only the channeling keeps more time. The following text is fully for inspiration. You can keep it strictly, or you can use it only for the inspiration in creating your own system. Who knows the game series Assassins creed, will recognize the quote from all of them: Nothing is true, everything is permitted. Maybe you can feel, that this quote is correct in a way – nothing is unchangeable truth, which you have to follow, every way can be the true one.

Visiting the spiritual world

Many elves, me too in fact, awaken to realize, who they are after reading the Lord of the rings books by Tolkien. It doesn’t matter, which texts awakens new knowledge in you, the true knowledge is hidden behind the texts and you can find it not just in books of good writers, but also in fan-fictions, fairy tales, films, even on stamp someone left on wall. Some may consider weird that film or some fairy tale can raise the same effect as Bible… I see no difference here. The spirits can leave their touch through us into any text, onto every creation we do, especially if we enjoy it. In such situations we in fact gladly attract such inspiration.

Not everyone is able to open himself to spiritual world without help and these sources can be of good help. Read again your favorite fairy tales, or stories you feel attracted to, it means that there is something valuable to you. Also it is great training of concentration and imagination.

First exercise requires such tales and is easy. I will stick to the Valar here. So how about reading Silmarillion or some of many texts, which are on internet? Read them and then do the following:

While relaxing, imagine that you are your favorite character in that story. You experience that story, speak with other characters, live the adventures… or you just look at it? That is good as well. Experience it as real as possible. It is better by memory, but you can read the text and work with it. However it is better to soon leave the texts aside and use imagination only. Maybe you will notice that you see the things and characters you didn’t create. Be mindful of them, because as world in your mind is your creation, that what you didn’t create is creation of someone else, visitor from the world of spirits, which joined you. If you want to keep records of your experiences, surely do it, it can be interesting to see after some time, how much unusual happens in your life.

Návštěva Valinoru

As the first meditation let’s visit the blessed realm. If you are of honest heart and full of humbles and love, protections of Valinor will let you through. And if you’re unable and you will have feeling that you only imagine it, do not lose hope, it is one of possible ways to simply read the meditations and imagine that, even that can connect you with the Valar and will tell them very clearly, that you desire to get to know them.

meditace - setkání s Maiar

Meeting with the Valar

How to use following meditations? That is up to you. For example I have it difficult to reach changed state of mind, so I began with imagining the place, and in time I was able to get there… having the feeling that I’m truly there. Other times I got mind connection and I saw visitor in my mind, truly as embodiment of being from meditation and from clear sky – it was hot summer afternoon – it began to rain at me, which disturbed communication. So, how to use them? However you want. Follow them precisely, use them for your own system, or throw them away as useless.

Clearly you’ll notice, that meditations are of one style that is to allow you to begin with any of them, there is no query list. If you want to do any of them, take enough time for it, for preparing for it and for resting after meditation, when you can enjoy, that you returned, but your mind is still tuned differently than usually.

meditation - meeting with Melkor
meditation - meeting with Manwe
meditation - meeting with Varda
meditation - meeting with Ulmo
meditation - meeting with Nienna
meditation - meeting with Aule
meditation - meeting with Yavanna
meditation - meeting with Námo
meditation - meeting with Vaire
meditation - meeting with Irmo
meditation - meeting with Este
meditation - meeting with Orome
meditation - meeting with Vána
meditation - meeting with Tulkas
meditation - meeting with Nessa

Meditating with Valar pairings

To truly understand the valar it isn’t enough to understand them only as individually. When they are with their beloved, their energies mix easily and bring very impressive combinations. (and very important not just for their creating) There is deep love and co-work between lovers. Love couples of Valar varies in time they spare together, by their loyalty, their variety shows, that where is good will and agreement, there even very unbound souls, as well as very stable and calm ones can live together.

meditation - love of Manwe and Varda
meditation - love of Aule and Yavanna
meditation - love of Námo and Vaire
meditation - love of Irmo and Este
meditation - love of Orome and Vána
meditation - love of Tulkas and Nessa

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