Gemstones connected with the Valar

Author: Arthur Marucha

Gemstones are rather sacred among elves and to an extent the Valar, there are of course the three silmarils but although highly sought after are not the subject of this article. Rather the focus is on which stones are connected to each of the Valar. But first we will focus on the fact that all stones are to be treated with care and consideration that they can be vessels for entities as old as this world, they generally do not seek to harm anyone and will gladly help you in most cases but it is wise to be cautious.

Among all stones Beryl are the ones most closely associated among elves, the ideal use of beryl is worn in a pendant made of silver, platinum or if you happen to have it mythril as Beryl is a softer stone than can be damaged by rough wear experienced by rings. For each of the stones listed below it is enough to carry it with you, and when in need of guidance or when you just want to speak with that specific Vala speak into the stone and channel your message. Certain things such as having the stone set in the center of an elven star can make it easier to contact the Valar with the exception of Melkor. Other ways of use include sitting with them in a quiet place next to naturally moving water as all water is part of Ulmo’s realm and as such he will hear your message and relay it to the Valar you are talking to.

A note however is that not all methods work for everyone due to conditions we might not fully understand or even realize and it may take some time before you find a method of communication using stones that will work for you. Below is the list of which stones are associated with each Valar, note that these are generally recommendations and in the case of certain Valar multiple other stones can be used.

Manwe is closest to sapphires as it is a stone of air.

Ulmo is closest to aquamarine as it is a stone of water and of the sea.

Orome is closest to emeralds.

Aule is closest to amethyst.

Irmo is closest to azurite as it is often considered the stone of dreams.

Tulkas is closest to red spinel as it is a stone of strength.

Mandos is closest to fluorite.

Varda is closest to white diamonds and clear quartz.

Nessa is closest to opal as it can be considered a stone of dancing.

Yavanna loves all stones and thus is closest to all of them.

Nienna is closest to rose quartz, morganite, and orange spessartite.

Este is closest to jasper.

Vaire is closest to citrine and black tourmaline.

Vana is closest to alexandrite and rhodochrosite.

Melkor though not a Valar is closest to black obsidian.

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