Valar and maiar, angels and archangels

Because I read a lot about comparing maiar with angels and valar with archangels. Although it can be good first impression, such comparison proves easily, that who says it doesn’t know much about Ainur (the voices – valar and maiar), nor about the angels. To say simply that ainur are something like angels means that you are by energy closer to the angels, than ainur. You may not agree, that is up to you, but ainur and angels are maybe even too different to be compared.

First needed to know is the fact that there are far more spiritual beings than angels and demons only. There are elves faeries, great spirits of stones, various gods and their followers, humans (Yes, they too!), dragons, and many other species, which I don’t even know. Variety of spirits knows no limits.

Let’s begin with some information about the angles. What do we know about them? Everyone knows that they are spirits, who have wings, some say that wings with goose feathers. They are beautiful and dress mainly white. I believe that we can all agree on that. But there is more known about them. If we speak about the majority (most of them), than they belong to one of three believes of the holy books, so they belongs to family of Jews, Christians, or Muslims. They all serve the one God (name) as his messengers and servants. They not just are with people, they also guide them, when they read bible, they aid them if they act correct way, they do magic for them. (but they do not allow people to use magic and punish them for using it) They are genderless, but appear to humans in male form, female angels are very rare, if they are at all.

Muslims believe that angels cannot do sins as they lack free will. I know that they do have free will, but to change their mind or intentions is truly almost impossible. (twice so hard for archangels) Their loyalty is solid, one of reasons is, that the archangels in high position worked hard and long to get there and they have great privileges. Angels have hierarchy and if I know correct, it is the one of pyramid system. It cannot be escaped from and it is only true one, the only truth, one true plan. Remember that as above, so below is true, so in behavior of Jews, Christians and Muslims you can see behavior of angels, because they teach the followers of one God their own ideals they themselves follow. Missions, trying to make everyone to follow their ways, is also mentality of these paths and of these angels as well. They can place thoughts in the minds of humans, to awaken seeking of spirituality and finding salvation in them.

It is true that when someone is in trouble, they are able to help, as well as humans, even angels varies. Some are selfish and aid only those, who can be of use for them, others are more selfless and humble and willing to help those, who simply need.

Of course angels can fly on their wings, many are warriors, but truly armed angels are rare, they are talented mind manipulators, able to control people baptized by water, as well as they can control other spirits. (I saw that multiple times)

That was majority of angels. What about the rest? They are very various and in many cases they are believe renegades, or leaders of small circles of believers, with their own spirituality and unique way, still following the one god. These small cults appear and disappear, because the majority doesn’t like them. I personally met the group of angles, who are interested in sex, led by female archangel Agarana. I found renegade angel, who was an elf before and now returned to it, but admitted that when he became an angels, when was baptized, the water is used, which brings forgetting. (You may disagree, but you surely know, that during baptizing the old human is drown and new one is born, it means the past is deleted, drown) So he remembers nothing before it.

There are also angels, who care about nature, but I believe that they are very rare and do not show themselves at all.

So Angels are various but we have to understand, that you most likely meet the angles from majority. They are servants of their god, do not care about the nature, their interest is in saving humans – well, in that when human die, that they will willingly go with them to heaven – whatever planet it is on, it is not here. The fact that they do not care about the nature can be seen in acting of their humans – Cristian, Muslim and Jewish worlds have problems with being polluters, I’m not sure, how it is with Muslim states, but as far as I know they do have this problem or they do not care at all.

What can be said about the ainur? They do not have wings. Exceptions, winged ainur, are very rarely seen. I saw Manwe with wings. But he is usually illustrated without them, when with the wings, it reflects his grandeur, power and connection with wind and the birds, not ability to fly. Ainur are loyal to each other, especially when maia and vala connect, but they are no restricted in this. Maia can aid in work to more valar at once, or can even become fully independent, honoring the cosmic laws only. They are free in their creating as far as they do so in harmony with the universe and honor life.

Ainur also are genderless, they can tend to prefer one, but still able to be of the opposite one. They honor nature, which is their work and home, and they feel its pain as their own. Their work connects them with nature and its inhabitants. They can serve as mediators to communicate with nature, they are open to it. They also love naturality and pleasures, they love creative activities and enjoying the work, they love pleasurable experiences and magic, which they openly teach anyone , who is of good heart and is willing to honor the life as the highest value. You do not have to be high in hierarchy to have acess to big power. Ainur have almost no hierarchy. The highest one, Eru, is not influencing the work of valar or anyone, except if he is asked for help, because this is only way to honor their freedom and allowing them to grow.

Every group, which is created, builds its own rules. Ainur honor, if someone chooses to have one partners, or more, important is only f all are alright with that and enjoy it. Salvation is meaningless. This, Earth, Arda, that is home of valar and maiar, the gods, humans, elves and all other free nations. Whoever dies, can go to Mandos and use time for learning, or simply remain and work with those, who are alive, or return to life in physical form. Eternal life in what we create ourselves.

I again remembered manwe as I asked him, why the valar do not influence my work on this web much. As it was said and he said it too – it is in your hands, what I create, I create myself and I get aid only, when I ask. And no matter it is difficould sometimes, I thank for this.

Ainur have various appearances and create various families. We have valar and their loyal servants, some who work with them only sometimes, some do not work with them at all and yet are part of the pantheon. They can take on many shapes, they can live among the elves and humans as one of them, they can be spiritual guides, there are various nature spirits, although not everyone would say that they are allies of the Valar, there are dragons, friends of Melkor, possessing great power to change things, noble eagles and other birds, messengers of Manwe, and also beings without shape, which only let you know of their presence by touch of their energy.

They are all connected by the nature, which they honor and they also honor humans. They are free in relationships, in sexuality, but also they honor the others.

Angels and ainur have their own relationships with humans, and it has to be worked on. You can create friendship with both groups, but only with those you belong to, you can raise relationship based on love. That comes with time and with growing trust and friendship. Can you love both groups at once? Sure you can, we are all free to do whatever we want, as far as we do it with wisdom and with honor to life. I hope that I showed the difference between these two groups of beings of spirits. They are not enemies necessarily, but they differ and if you want to mix them, you may find yourself instead of work with ainur working with angels and preparing yourself for baptizing.

Anyway I wish you all the best as well as to ainur and angels, because I feel both groups around me while I’m writing this. Strangely enough all of them feel satisfied.

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